Snow foam has been a hot topic in car detailing for a while. A speedy Google search will reveal why. You'll find plenty pictures of cars blanketed in a thick, snowy foam that's way more interesting than a regular soap and water wash. But the question we get asked all the time is what snow foam should I use and why?
What Is A Snow Foam
First of all, lets just stop for a moment and understand what snow foam is. Snow foam acts as a pre-wash, it's a detergent you apply to your car just before the main wash to help loosen dirt, making the wash more effective. As the name suggests, it produces a thick, white foam that's pretty eye-catching.
What’s the Difference Between Snow Foam and Shampoo?
Snow foam might seem similar to car shampoo since they both tackle dirt, but they work in distinct ways. You spray snow foam on your car and let it sit on the paint. Don't attempt to wipe it off with a cloth or mitt because it lacks ingredients to glide smoothly, risking swirls or scratches on your car's paint.
What Snow Foam Should I be using?
When selecting a snow foam, several factors pertain to the vehicle's paint protection, which can manifest in various forms such as waxes, ceramic coatings, and Paint Protection Film (PPF). If your car benefits from any of these protections, it's recommended to opt for a pH-neutral snow foam. This recommendation stems from concerns that the alkaline cleaning agents present in standard snow foams might potentially harm the protective wax and sealants already present on the vehicle. However, it's important to note that most consumer-grade snow foams typically lack the alkalinity to cause such damage.
If uncertain about using a particular snow foam, conducting even minimal research is advised. Platforms like YouTube and various detailing forums offer numerous tests and insights that can provide clarity and assurance regarding a product's suitability.
Most Popular Snow Foams From 2023
TOUCHLESS may be applied with trigger spray, pump spray, pressure washer, or snow foam lance. The minimum recommended dilution rate should be 2% PIR (Panel Impact Ratio) and up to 5% for very dirty vehicles. Where application is through trigger spray or pump spray, the dilution calculation is easy to achieve, however, for application with pressure equipment it is essential to determine the amount of water being delivered to the equipment reservoir.
Step 1
Fill the detergent bottle or reservoir (on machine or lance) up to capacity with plain water. Turn detergent feed to full. Take a large bucket or container and discharge the lance into this, watching the detergent bottle until empty. Once empty, stop.
Step 2
The following calculations will achieve 4% dilution; Measure the total amount collected in the bucket and multiply this number by 0.04 (Total can be measured in either volume with a measuring jug or by weight) this is the amount of TOUCH-LESS to use.
Step 3
Add the calculated amount from STEP TWO to the pressure-washer reservoir and top up to full with cold water and shake in for a few moments.
Step 4
Apply touchless to entire vehicle or panel by panel. Allow to soak for 1-5 minutes (but never allow to dry). Power-wash off.
Gyeon Q2M FOAM
It is very important to preserve the best possible visual effect for a longer time. Q2M Foam ensures a highly effective first step in the cleansing process as it helps to decrease the amount of dirt that needs to be removed during a proper, major wash with a mitt and shampoo. Q2M Foam is very effective, it dilutes even 1:15, giving great value for money. To keep the foam fully effective, the minimum dilution is 1:15, but in the case of very dirty vehicles or uncoated ones, it is advisable to use in a proportion of 1:5.
Pre-dilute Q²M Foam with water prior to use. Depending on how dirty your car is, you may dilute it from 1:5 up to 1:15. Never work in direct sunlight or allow the product to dry on the surface. Let it dwell for up to 1-5 minutes and rinse with a pressure washer.
Step 1
Fill the detergent bottle or reservoir with pre-diluted Q²M Foam. Depending on how dirty your car is, you may dilute it from 1:5 up to 1:15.
Step 2
Apply touchless to entire vehicle or panel by panel. Allow to soak for 1-5 minutes (but never allow to dry). Power-wash off.